Mrs. Emily Espinoza, M. Ed. » Required Summer Math

Required Summer Math

Students entering 6th Grade: For homework this summer, I am asking my students to finish any previously unassigned pages in their disposable math textbooks. When they are done with those, I would ask that you either review the 5th grade math curriculum at or purchase a math workbook at or at the Lakewood Learning Store. Space out the work over the whole summer to keep your math skills sharp for the fall.
Students entering 7th Grade: For homework this summer, I am asking my students to complete all the "Practice" pages in their Grade 6 Student Journals. They are only required to complete problems whose numbers are multiples of 3 (Ex: 3, 6, 9, 12...). They can review any tricky subjects on in the "Dynamic Student Edition" of their online textbook.
Students entering 8th Grade: For homework this summer, I am asking my students to complete the "Practice" pages in their Grade 7 Accelerated Student Journals for the chapters we completed in class (1-6, and 9). They are only required to complete the even numbered problems in those assignments. They can review any tricky subjects on in the "Dynamic Student Edition" of their online textbook.

Students new to St. Louise: Create an account on and explore the previous year's curriculum, preferably no fewer than three times per week. You may also purchase a math workbook at if you prefer.

A reminder to all: Your online textbook will update to the next school year's textbook in August, so if you want to use your current textbook as an aid on your summer homework, don't leave your homework to the last minute. Space out your work over the summer to keep your math skills sharp for the fall. You are encouraged to explore the online textbook or for subjects we didn't touch on in class last year. Anything extra you do will further prepare you for class in the fall!