Field Trips

Each parent who drives on a fieldtrip must have a completed fieldtrip driver sheet on file, documenting proper insurance, and must complete the required VIRTUS background check process and online training.
VIRTUS Background Check & Training Requirements
All volunteers (and thus all school parents) are required to fulfill all of the background check and training requirements of the Seattle Archdiocese’s “Safe Environment” program. The Seattle Archdiocese and St. Louise Parish and School are very vigilant in protecting children. Through the required program – “Safe Environment,” aka “Virtus” - the Archdiocese conducts criminal background checks on clergy, employees, parents, and volunteers. 
The Safe Environment program also teaches these people how to recognize the signs of abuse and neglect of minors and vulnerable adults, how to report suspected abuse, and how to keep our parishes and schools safe so the members of our community who are protected at all times. We also recognize the importance of training our children about personal safety and how to talk to their parents or other trusted adults when they need help. All components of the Safe Environment program were reviewed and approved by the Archdiocesan Review Board, the Office of Catholic Faith Formation, and the Archbishop - found to be age-appropriate, research-based, and consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.