Hot Lunch & Milk Program

my hot lunch
St. Louise has partnered with My Hot Lunchbox to bring you individually packaged lunches delivered directly to St. Louise from local restaurants.
Why choose My Hot Lunchbox? 
You can order in advance, starting today. My Hot Luchbox allows you to add, edit or cancel an order up to 12pm (noon), the day prior to delivery! Allergen are labeled and orders are customizable from most vendors. Gluten-free and vegetarian lunch options are available.
Sign Up in 4 Easy Steps:
  1. Create an account as a "Customer".
    • School: St. Louise Parish School, Bellevue, Washington
  2. Go to "My Profiles" and create a profile for each kid.
  3. Go to "Lunch Calendar" and begin choosing meals weeks in advance!
  4. Check out under "My Orders" using a debit or credit card. 
Need help? Reach out to us at: [email protected]
To browse the full menu, sign up and visit: