School Commission

The St. Louise School Commission is established by the pastor, in accord with Archdiocesan policy, to assist him and the principal in the governance of the parish school. The Commission is consultative in the following sense: the members act in collaboration with the pastor and principal and will only make decisions for the parish school with the approval of the pastor and principal. When the Commission meets as pastor, principal, and members, and agrees on a policy matter, the decision is effective and binding on all. The Commission's responsibilities are in the areas of Planning, Policy Development, Marketing, and Finance. See the link below for the School Commission's Constitution and Bylaws.

Members of the School Commission consist of the pastor, principal, vice-principal, development director, Parents' Club president, and six to eight selected persons who are members of St. Louise Parish and/or parents of children attending St. Louise School. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Commission are concurrently members of the greater parish's Pastoral Council, thereby connecting the school and the parish.

The School Commission usually meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month, for five various months throughout the school year. The exact dates of these five meetings may be found on the school calendar. These meetings are open to members of the parish and parents of children attending St. Louise School.
If you would like to contact a School Commission member for more information on possibly joining in the future, or to discuss a school-related issue, their names are noted on the "Commission Members" link to the right. Please contact them via their emails or phone numbers in the school roster.