Traffic, Parking & Carpool

Ensuring a smooth and safe carpool process is a top priority at St. Louise School. To maintain safety and efficiency during drop-off and pick-up times, please follow these guidelines carefully:
Morning Drop-Off:
  • Designated Drop-Off Lane: Enter the drop-off lane and pull forward to the designated area to keep traffic flowing smoothly. Ensure students exit on the passenger side of the vehicle for safety.
  • Stay in Your Vehicle: Parents should remain in their cars to keep the line moving efficiently, unless you are parking to drop off a Preschool or Pre-K Student. Please do not park or leave your vehicle in the drop-off lane.  If you do need to park, please follow the direction of the traffic supervisors.
  • Speed Limit: Remember to drive slowly and cautiously, adhering to the 5 mph speed limit within the school grounds to ensure the safety of all students and staff.
Afternoon Pick-Up:
  • Pick-Up Lane: Follow the directions of staff to line up in the designated pick-up lanes.
  • Remain at Your Car: Stay in your vehicle while waiting for your child to be escorted to your car by staff. This ensures a quick and orderly pick-up process.
  • Walk-Up Option: If you prefer to park and walk to pick up your child, use only designated parking areas and crosswalks, and follow all directions from staff to ensure safety.
  • Late Pick-Up: Students not picked up by 3:30 PM will be taken to Kids' Club, and families will be charged the Drop-In Fee of $12/hour, per student.
Additional Reminders:
  • Patience and Courtesy: Please be patient during peak traffic times and courteous to staff, volunteers, and other families.
  • Adhere to Safety Rules: Follow all directions from staff and volunteers, and be vigilant for children crossing.
Detailed Map and Instructions: For a detailed map of the carpool route and complete guidelines, please see below. Your cooperation is essential to maintaining a safe and efficient carpool process for everyone in our school community.