Ms. M. Cantu, MAT » About Me

About Me



Consent for Disclosure of Evaluation and Suppot Plan Implementation

It is in the best interest of a student’s educational planning and more likely for a student to receive accommodations and/or modifications, if a parent consents to disclose to St. Louise Parish School his/her child’s various evaluation reports and professional assessments.  In order for a Student Support Plan to be drafted and implemented, the evaluation report, in its entirety, is required. The school will treat this information in a strictly confidential manner on a need-to-know basis. If a parent chooses to not consent to disclose to the school his/her child’s various evaluation reports and professional assessments, the most likely result is the child’s educational planning and ability to receive accommodations and/or modifications will be hindered.

Before a Student Support Plan can be implemented, parents are required to sign and return the "Consent for Disclosure of Evaluation Report and Implementation of Student Support Plan".  For more information, please contact Ms. Cantu and/or Mr. Fuerte.

Consent for Disclosure of Information

Consent for Disclosure of Information is a document which allows for the exchange of information between parties for a student's educational planning. For example, this form would need to be signed before a student's teacher and occupational therapist exchange information. The signing of this form is requested if your child is on a Student Support Plan. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Ms. Cantu and/or Mr. Fuerte.